Multi-trait fine-mapping using an inverse-moment prior.
Multi-trait fine-mapping using an inverse-moment prior.
n = NULL,
k = NULL,
omega = NULL,
cs = TRUE,
cs_level = 0.95,
pip = FALSE,
maxsize = 10,
tau = NULL,
r = 1,
niter = 62500,
burnin = 12500,
seed = 456,
excl.burnin = TRUE,
a0 = 1,
b0 = NULL,
u = NULL,
inds0 = NULL,
standardize = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,
insampleLD = NULL,
clump = TRUE,
clump_r2 = 0.995^2,
check_ld = FALSE,
purity = 0.5
- beta
Effect size estimates.
- se
Standard errors.
- eaf
Effect allele frequencies.
- R
- n
GWAS sample size. If provided, then tau is calculated based on n.
- cs
Are credible sets returned?
- cs_level
Credible set level.
- pip
Are posterior inclusion probabilities returned?
- maxsize
Maximum model size.
- tau
Prior parameter tau.
- r
Prior parameter r.
- niter
Number of iterations.
- burnin
Number of burn-in iterations.
- seed
Random seed.
- excl.burnin
Should burn-in be excluded?
- a0
Hyperparameter a for the model size prior.
- b0
Hyperparameter b for the model size prior (but preferably use parameter u).
- u
Hyperparameter for model size prior. Defaults to 2 for in-sample LD matrix and 2.25 for out-of-sample LD matrix.
- inds0
Indices for the starting model.
- standardize
Should the effect sizes be standardised? Defaults to TRUE.
- verbose
Verbose output.
- insampleLD
Is in-sample LD used?
- clump
Should clumping be done for extremely highly-correlated variants?
- clump_r2
Clumping threshold for extremely highly-correlated variants.
- check_ld
Should LD discrepancy check be performed?
- purity
Credible set purity, defined as the minimum absolute correlation between the variants in a credible set.
- ala
Whether Approximate Laplace should be used?